Ativity 23 hal 22 b.inggris kelas 8
tolong jawab besok di.kumpulkan
tolong jawab besok di.kumpulkan
1. She is going home now.
2. The boys isn't washing his hair.
3. They are watching television in the living room.
4. The cat is chasing mice.
5. I am reading a great novel.
Present Continues Tense merupakan salah satu Tenses dalam Grammar bahasa Inggris. Present Continues Tense menyatakan peristiwa/kejadian yang berlangsung sekarang. Rumusnya adalah:
(+) subject + tobe + Verb ing + adverb/object
(-) subject + tobe + not + Verb ing + adverb/object
(?) tobe + subject + Verb ing + adverb/object?
Contoh pada soal nomor 1:
She is going home now.
She= subject
Is= tobe dari she
Going home= Verb ing
Now= adverb of time (keterangan waktu)
Semoga membantu.
Fight for your life!